The Colonel Chronicles
When I was a little girl my Dad would lie down on the floor with his back on the carpet and lift me up .He would put his feet on my stomach and use the muscles in his legs to lift me high in the air.  I would spread my arms like I was flying and he would let go. It was fun and made my smile and then made me giggle. Once we would start giggling it was all over. I would fall, he would catch me and then you guessed it….”Let’s do it again!” We called this the “flying angel” (I would just love to continue on with the “angel” part of this story but, those of you that know me so well would probably find reason to argue with that…so I will carry on)  I don’t know if the term “flying angel” is something that we came up with or if it is something that is official but, it is a great childhood memory for me. The strength that he had to lift me high, hold me, and cause me to “fly” was absolutely amazing and huge! (there is also the strength he had to dance around the living room with me singing “Yellow Submarine” but, he would probably just be happy for me to keep that to myself and my memories)
My Dad’s strength continues to amaze me to this very day.  He would tell you that he is weaker than he has ever been in his life. He would say that a strong man wouldn’t have to catch his breath after walking to the car for his doctor’s appointment. He would share that a strong man wouldn’t need a cane to walk. He would tell you that a strong man could climb a flight of stairs multiple times a day.
I would argue with anyone who says that The Colonel is any less strong than he was when I was flying through the air. It might not look like strength to an outsider but, let me tell you what I see. I see his strength to face each day with determination. I see his strength as he stands at the bottom of the stairs and plans how he is going to conquer every step like he is climbing Mt. Everest. I see his strength as he reaches out to take my Mom’s hand for the blessing at dinner. I see him being strong as he allows us to help him with daily living skills that he would much rather be doing himself. I see his strength as his mind works to find ways to bless others through acts of kindness.
Thanks to all of you who prayed specifically for the billirubin number today. It was not the number that we had hoped for. It was, in fact, higher than it has ever been before (12.4). But, I know God heard every one of your prayers and is blessing us through them. The Colonel has also begun to experience some uncomfortable symptoms and side effects that are directly related to the disease. These are making resting and getting comfortable to be more of a challenge each day. He has gained 13 pounds in this past week (no, that was not a typo). In recent issues of The Colonel Chronicles you would have heard a shout for joy at such weight gain. However, this drastic increase in weight is fluid retention and further complicates the above symptoms. Needlesss to say, he did not receive his chemotherapy treatment today. His next appointment is Monday at 11:30. It will continue to be our hope and prayer that he will have a sudden reduction in the fluid, a much lowered billirubin, and a “green light” to move forward with treatment. 
   So do not fear, for I am with you;
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 
If you have read my blog this week you know that I am facing a huge challenge right now. Dad has asked me to keep my plans to travel to Ukraine on Thursday for 10 days with The Mount mission team. This is heavy on my mind and heart as I want to do what God wants me to do as well as do what my dad is asking me to do. I don’t have the strength to do this. I am going but, it won’t be by my own strength. Please pray for this as it comes to your mind over the next two weeks. (and as a side note, I doubt that I will be able to send out The Colonel Chronicles next week.  I might have a chance to update my blog from Ukraine. You might want to check there for an update. Just use the link above or subscribe to my blog. I will also try to check email)
So, this week the Fabians are trying to find strength. Strength for The Colonel to climb the stairs and to continue to fight, strength for the mother to care for her love and face each new day with renewed energy, strength for the baby brother as he drives the moving truck  from Texas to his new home in Indiana, and strength for the baby girl as she gets on the airplane to teach English and Bible at a Ukranian camp for orphans. I do love knowing that God is always at work. But, I really love when I can see it all around me and feel His mighty strong hand at work.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
 For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10

One response »

  1. To Mary Anne and the Fabian family–I found the Colonel Chronicles through a friend (Roscia) and have been blessed by all of your postings about your Dad and your missionary trip. I knew your Dad through DHEC, but now I know him better through you. What a wonderful way to honor him, your family and God!!

    When my Dad died, my Mom painted one wall in the bathroom lavender. After several months of sleepless nights, she said “I must find a way to go on in this world” so painting the bathroom was the first step. And we all joined in the fun through shopping for towels and accessories in shades of purple.

    I wish for all of you comfort, strength, lots of laughing in rememberance of the good times with the Colonel and shades of purple in your days ahead.

    Ps.125:1 Those who trust in the Lord are steady as Mount Zion, unmoved by any circumstance. Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds and protects his people.

    PS. 126: 5 Those who sow tears shall reap joy. (The Living Bible)

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